The aim of WMD’s “I’m Sorry” project is to promote healing and reconciliation for all those impacted by the Iraq war, inclusive of American and coalition soldiers and their families through the offering of an apology for the pain and suffering engendered by the war.
WMD was created to promote healing and reconciliation and to generate dialogue as inspired by Desmond Tutu and the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” The “I’m Sorry” project’s aim is to encourage healing through dialogue between all those involved in the Iraqi conflict.
We view this project as an educational opportunity to further understanding of our shared humanity and ability to resolve conflict nonviolently.
Video Upload Guidelines
Each video clip submitted to the “I’m Sorry” project should adhere to the following guidelines. WMD Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to reject any particular submission for these or other reasons.
- You will need a YouTube account in order to upload your video. Click here to create a YouTube account.
- Feel free to begin video by stating your first name and location followed by a brief statement in your own words (see examples below).
- All video uploads are limited to 7MB in size and two minutes in length.
- No profanity, nudity or other offensive material accepted.
- Submission of video to WMD implies your consent for WMD to use, edit and publicly post your video as WMD sees fit.
- Suggestions for recording video:
- Make sure sound is clear—shoot in a quiet location.
- Make sure light in on your face and not behind it.
- If you’re handy with shooting and uploading video and know some folks that would like to participate, by all means record and upload multiple videos (just make sure that they’re individual uploads).
Upload your clip to YouTube and then use the form below to let us know about it so we can include it on our video page. We will not publish your name or email address. The location information we may use later in order to be able to show, for instance, “All apologies from San Francisco,” etc.
Then tell your friends about this project!
Hi, I’m Georgette from Little Rock, AK. I just want to say that I’m heartsick over all the loss and suffering our soldiers and their families as well as the Iraqi people have endured due to this war. My hope is that we can learn to avoid future wars.
This is Mike from Austin, TX. I’d like to say I’m sorry to the American and Coalition soldiers, the Iraqi people and each of their families for the loss and suffering they have experienced because of this conflict.
Private First Class, Franklin Smith from Seattle, WA. I’m grateful for the sacrifices our service men and women have made on our behalf and would like to express my sympathies for all they have suffered as a result of this conflict.
This is Jorge from Oakland, CA. I would like to thank our brave soldiers and express my condolences for all of those who have suffered because of this war.
Hi, I’m Ben from Bisbee, AZ. I feel that war is a travesty and it pains me to think that so many have suffered so much resulting from this violence—I’m sincerely sorry.